IMP Diagnostics Customer Support Line

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

A Transformative Partnership in Digital Pathology!

The partnership between  IMP Diagnostics and Leica Biosystems  continues to be a significant milestone in our journey towards excellence in diagnostics. This collaboration has been crucial to our ongoing commitment to Digital Pathology, bringing remarkable advancements in the accuracy and efficiency of our processes.

We’ve recovered this video where Isabel Macedo Pinto, founder and co-CEO of IMP Diagnostics, highlights, among other things, the importance of digital data management and storage as crucial components of digital pathology. This advancement not only improves the quality of diagnostics but also facilitates accessibility and detailed analysis of information, driving innovation in healthcare.

Read More: Figures in Anatomical Pathology: Juan Rosai

This partnership and ongoing dedication between IMP Diagnostics and Leica Biosystems enable the transformation of pathology through digital technology. Together, we continue to innovate and provide the best for our patients. 🔍

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