IMP Diagnostics Customer Support Line

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Presentation of the Breast Pathology Unit

We have published another chapter of our series introducing the Diagnostic Units. This time, we will talk about our Breast Pathology Unit, which is coordinated by Fátima Magalhães, a Pathologist at IMP Diagnostics.

The complexity of breast pathology requires a multidisciplinary involvement of this team, something we consider essential for a comprehensive understanding of the disease.

The study of microbiopsies and surgical specimens, the performance of intraoperative examinations, and the determination of biomarkers are central to the treatment and prognosis of breast disease. However, it is the entirety of our mission that enables the continuous improvement and optimization of diagnosis and, of course, the comprehensive understanding of the disease.

Learn more about this unit on our WEBSITE. Discover in greater detail the examinations, pathologies, and actions associated with this diagnostic unit.

Discover other chapters of this series:

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